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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today is the tenth day of November. The year is two thousand and eleven.

Dr. President Obama

Today has been a good day. I have had two cups of coffee and I have yet to feel crummy yet! My enrollment time for registering for classes for next semester was 11 a.m. this morning and I received every class that I wanted to get. I even added on an additional class... archery.

My strategy for enrolling for spring semester classes was to not set lofty goals, therefore I would not feel let down. I was pleasantly surprised to find that some of the classes that I thought I wouldn't be able to get were available.

Other than getting a great schedule for next semester, I had an enjoyful lunch earlier where I ate chick fil a death pellets, waffle fries, and watched an episode of the office. I then ventured to write a blog post that I found rather accessible. (I thought it would be more challenging than it was)

Tonight I expect to go to campus crusade with my bros and have an enjoyable time. Tonight is a full moon so I plan on gazing at that for some time. Tomorrow I will be going to a dance.

Sam Dearstyne

Oh and its my birthday

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